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To follow: digital trends at the service of optics

Reading time : 3 minutes


It's up to everyone to find new ideas to identify or expand their target, goals, branding. Very often, we imagine that the new marketing trends are reserved for those who have a new job or big means.

However, it is clear that it is more and more easy to talk to its customers. customers, to understand their needs or satisfy their desires through innovations that are both advanced and accessible. The opportunity for us to share these digital trends that you, optics professionals, can use.

Voice assistants: the voice in place of the screen

Today, voice technology has become a credible alternative to screen navigation. It is estimated that more than one billion monthly searches are made via this channel, and this figure, which continues to grow, could represent half of the searches on the web in 2020.

From now on, the voice technology with the emergence of voice assistants, stands in 4th place of sales channels.

Assistant Voice-trends-digital-optical

We speak of " V-Commerce " when we approach this inevitable digital trend. Unlike chatbots, limited to prebuilt responses, voice assistants offer a real interaction with the user , ensuring a complete analysis of their consumption needs.

The possibilities are great to define and contextualize preferences of a customer.

Among the most famous of the market: obviously the solutions of Amazon ( Alexa ) and Google ( Google Hom e ).

Social Shopping: social networks offer new promise

Everyone is watching social media. The flow of information is everywhere, and is constantly evolving. It's a great way to boost your communication. The trend?

The Social Shopping.

To further facilitate the consumer journey, social networks are increasingly developing integrated shopping.


This is the case of Instagram, which created Instagram Shopping , and which allows professionals to tag their content with direct links to their stores. The principle is much the same at Pinterest with Shop the Look and YouTube ( Click to shop ).

Think about it to offer a fast, clear and efficient user experience on your e-commerce solutions!  

The digital experience platform (DXP), to optimize your content

You know your target, you're more than just a consultant for your customers. Anticipate its needs, automate your communication by optimizing your content

This is the principle of the digital experience platform , solutions to manage the creation and distribution of all web content . You have the possibility to classify your customers by criteria, to segment your target, to analyze your database: you will be able to personalize your messages to their attention, anticipate their purchasing needs and reduce your deadlines.
[ =] This is also a good way to turn your prospects into customers!

So, what are the digital trends that will seduce you in the months and years to come?