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Optics Market: Are we moving more and more towards luxury optics?

Reading time : 3 minutes


Faced with the general problems of purchasing power, luxury companies have gradually given way to brands offering mid-range models on the shelves of opticians. But the markets are constantly changing, especially since the arrival of the Y generation who consume differently and proves that luxury brands have lost nothing of their superb. So, what about luxury optics and its future?


Luxury optics: getting your hands back on the eyewear

With the advent of social networks and the emergence of influencers, all markets have undergone profound changes.

The eyewear market is no exception, and luxury brands have gone a long way in developing their strategies.

[ =] Of course, the enormous financial means these brands have allows them to increase their marketing presence .

The optical and luxury tandem has always been a love story. But its strategy was mainly to build links to license agreements with other companies that manufactured and distributed their optical or solar frames.

This model is now available cause.

Luxury brands have decided to regain control over a sector that might escape them , in order to accelerate the pace of production but also of select the distribution channels


Resuming the hand is also a way to manage your deadlines more easily!

This is the case of the LVMH group, which wants to stay set as fashionable as possible.

New distribution channels that change the game

Of course, the explosion of online sales allows big brands to get rid of middlemen.

The Kering Group (Gucci, Saint Laurent …) has thus decided to internalize the control of its entity "Kering Eyewear"


Moreover, at a time when we are now paying attention to the slightest detail, to uniqueness and where the ecological awareness is general , custom-made and creative also profoundly disrupt the market.

Luxury and creation are never far off, as evidenced by the emergence of brands like Lucas de Staël .

[ =]

Finally, another important point to take into account, the optics remains for the consumer, an "accessible luxury" if one compares it to the sector of the jewelery or the textile .. [ =]
An element not to be neglected and which definitely counts in this sector!