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Eyewear & Style: Trends 2021

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As every year, we review a few models of trendy glasses. Materials, colors, shapes, textures, we try to analyze and decomplexify what your summer will be.

Colors that assert themselves, and a lot of transparency!

Regarding materials, we find acetate and metal in the trends. The acetate allows to give another contour to the colors, the thickness and the transparency. This transparency is, again this year, highly sought after. Some details rub shoulders with translucent honey, cherry and sea green acetates that can be found on the many details.


Nevertheless, it will be less "raw" than the other years, where the prerogative of bright colors and "natures" clearly takes over. Can we see there a desire to break the ambient gloom of the past and current year?

Still, blue and green dominate very largely. We also find, in a more feminine trend, pastel colors, associated with metal. A material that guarantees lightness and finesse , this year tinged with purple or pink.

Eyewear trends for brands

As for brands, we particularly appreciate the models by Jean-François Rey or Plein les Mirettes . The slim BA&SH frames have captured the " pastel transparency " trend described above.

Regarding sunglasses , we want to highlight the sobriety and elegance of the new collection ' La Belle Vie 'by Swiss Fielmann . If your ethical and environmental sensitivity catches up with you, know that many companies, including eyewear manufacturers have also made this choice.


We think of Barberini and its mineral lenses, of Mazzucchelli and its natural acetates, and of course of Etnia Barcelona , which continues to sublimate its frames while guaranteeing the use of exclusively natural materials. All with an innate sense of detail, but also a label that is both vintage and modern that fits perfectly with our time.

And you, what are the trendy glasses that have hit you? in the eye?