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Insurance, guarantees ...: what after-sales service for opticians?

12 janvier 2017
Reading time : 3 minutes

For the customer looking for glasses, the price is not everything: the guarantees and services offered by the optician for after the purchase can also make the difference ! From glass replacement in the event of breakage to routine repairs or adaptation to change of vision, more and more opticians are offering increasingly advanced services […]

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Top 5: your favorite items in 2016!

5 janvier 2017
Reading time : 3 minutes

The year 2016 is gradually moving away in our rearview mirror to make way for this new year that rhymes with glasses, 2017 ! The whole Eyes-Road team wishes you a happy new year , hoping you will have a good time . You are more and more numerous to read our articles and to […]

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Animation on the points of sale of opticians

22 décembre 2016
Reading time : 4 minutes

Dynamisation of a declining attendance, optimization of off-peak periods, customer loyalty or lead generation: commercial animation is an essential tool for retailers and particularly suited to opticians, who face a high level of competitiveness. Point-of-sale animation is always a vector of traffic and sales! From a simple punctual showcase to a dozen commercial activities, through […]

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Optics concepts for seniors

24 novembre 2016
Reading time : 3 minutes

The silver economy is not surprisingly one of the growth markets in the field of optics: over sixty years account for more than a quarter of the French population. In these seniors, it is rare not to have visual trouble, presbyopia in mind. To allow everyone to age better, the world of optics develops business […]

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Color contact lenses: good or bad idea?

17 novembre 2016
Reading time : 2 minutes

Want to scare their friends or test what would give green eyes to their face? More and more manufacturers are offering color contact lenses for your customers, with or without correction. These cosmetic lenses of another kind can be subtly colored to sophisticated look, or even more festive , until the impression way cat's eye. […]

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