The Eyes-Road site is published by:
EEIG without capital, whose head office is established at
10, allée des Champs-Élysées
F – 91000 Evry
Registered on the Register of Commerce and Companies under the number
RCS Evry 2002 C 00008
The director of the publication is Philippe Cellier
The Eyes-Road site is produced by:
Limited Liability Company with a capital of 50,000 Euros, whose head office is established at
Espace Cristal
Rue de la Gaillarde
F – 89100 Saint-Clément
Registered on the Register of Commerce and Companies under number
RCS Sens B 420 668 865 00017
The directors of the publication are Brice Borel and Thomas Da Rovaré
The Eyes-Road site is hosted by:
Simplified Stock Company with a capital of 500,000 Euros, whose head office is established at
2 rue Kellermann
F – 59100 Roubaix
Registered on the Register of Commerce and Companies under number
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
Represented by Octave Klaba
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This site is subject to French law. The site and the information it contains are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and international copyright conventions. The content of the site cannot be reproduced, republished, transcribed, or retransmitted without the prior written consent of the rights holders. This site may contain information provided by external companies or hyperlinks to other sites that have not been developed by EEIG Eyes-Road. The content available on this site is provided for informational purposes. The existence of a link from the site to another site does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of that site or its contents. It is the responsibility of the internet user to use this information with a discerning and critical mindset. The publisher accepts no responsibility for information, opinions and recommendations formulated by third parties. Any hyperlink to this site must be expressly authorized by the publisher.