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FILE E-Sport: new promised land of optics?

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Video games captivate more than 36.5 million French people every day. The influence of e-sport continues to grow on various sectors of activity. If entertainment and technology are the first spheres impacted, an unexpected area is starting to stand out: optics and eyewear . During the recent 24th edition of the International Network Games Festival, the Gamers Assembly 2024, remarkable innovations were highlighted, perfectly illustrating this new playground for opticians and manufacturers . Between revolutionary devices for the visually impaired allowing them to participate in competitions and strategic partnerships with e-sport teams to improve visual performance, optics seems to find in the world of video games an Eldorado of new opportunities. As a bonus, optical innovations in e-sports are revolutionizing the player experience, and also contributing to better inclusion and visual health in this demanding world.

The dramatic impact of esports on modern culture

E-sport, or electronic sport , refers to the competitive practice of video games, alone or in a team, which can be assimilated, due to its level of professionalization and organization, to a sport traditional. Although the roots of esports date back to the first video game competitions in the 1970s, it only really took off in the 2000s with the advent of the Internet and the improvement of gaming technologies. .

The popularity of esports has grown exponentially in recent years, reaching a global audience that now numbers in the millions . The tournaments attract not only professional players who compete for often substantial prizes, but also spectators who follow the competitions live via streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube. Games such as “League of Legends,” “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,” and “Dota 2” often dominate esports arenas, with major events held in sold-out stadiums and broadcast to a global audience.

The economic impact of esports is also significant, generating revenue through broadcast rights, advertising, ticket sales, merchandising, and partnerships. Non-endemic brands, such as Coca-Cola and BMW, as well as players in the technology industry, are increasingly investing in this dynamic sector, seeking to reach a young and engaged audience.

The challenges of e-sport go beyond simple entertainment. Esports raises questions about player health, particularly in terms of mental health and visual fatigue , which has spurred interest in fields like sports psychology and sports optometry. Additionally, inclusion and diversity are increasingly discussed topics, with initiatives aimed at making esports more accessible to women and players from diverse backgrounds.

In short, esports has become an integral part of modern culture , with profound implications for the gaming, entertainment industries and beyond. Its continued growth poses new challenges but also offers significant opportunities for innovation and inclusion in sport and society in general.

Optical innovations in e-sport: serving inclusion and performance

Obviously, with what the time spent in front of a screen implies, the significant impact of advanced optical technologies in the field of e-sport, not only to improve the performance of players, but also to make gaming more accessible and inclusive, remains a high-stakes issue, particularly for optical professionals.

A flagship example of this integration is the innovative device developed by Optic 2000 and used by Salim Ejnaïni , the first visually impaired player to face sighted players in high-level competitions . This technology consists of a mini-camera that clips onto traditional glasses and converts the visual environment into a haptic language. The latter is transmitted via a lumbar belt equipped with artificial intelligence which produces tactile impulses, thus allowing the user to visually “feel” their environment. This revolutionary device is not limited to daily assistance but opens the door to active participation in the competitive spheres of e-sport, demonstrating a major advance in the inclusion of people with visual impairments.
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For its part, Shamir , a company recognized for its cutting-edge optical solutions, has extended its expertise to the world of e-sport by becoming the Performance Partner Alpine Esports team optics. This partnership aims to improve the visual abilities of players through in-depth ophthalmic assessments and the use of specially designed screen lenses, which minimize eye fatigue and maximize visual clarity . These lenses feature advanced protective filters that mitigate exposure to harmful blue light, thereby prolonging the visual endurance needed during long gaming sessions. Additionally, Shamir is contributing to the development of new technologies that aim to improve eye synchronization -brain , essential to optimize the reaction times and cognitive performance of players.

These initiatives clearly illustrate how optics can make this field more inclusive and efficient, proving that innovations Optics in e-sports go far beyond simple visual corrections. They adapt the digital environment to meet the specific needs of users, whether professional or amateur, sighted or visually impaired, thus affirming the growing importance of optics in the competitive world of e-sport.[= ]

The role of optics in prevention and the visual health of gamers

Long hours spent in front of screens expose gamers to significant risks for their visual health , including eye fatigue, dry eyes, and even myopia. Regular optometric evaluations become essential to prevent these problems before they get worse. These evaluations make it possible not only to detect and correct visual defects but also to adapt prescriptions to the specific needs of players, such as focusing at particular distances typical of gaming setups.

[= ]At the same time, the use of protective glasses specially designed for gamers is booming. These lenses are equipped with filters that can block or reduce exposure to harmful blue light emitted by screens, thereby minimizing visual fatigue and improving comfort during prolonged sessions. They can also improve contrast and visual clarity, helping players react more quickly to visual stimuli, a significant advantage in competitions.


Optic 2000 took advantage of the platform offered by the Gamers Assembly to launch initiatives aimed at raising awareness of visual impairment and promoting visual health practices among gamers . The brand set up a stand where visitors could learn about the risks linked to overexposure to screens and discover preventative solutions such as protective glasses. In addition, the brand offered visual tests, allowing participants to check their visual acuity and receive personalized recommendations.

The stand also offered a unique immersive experience thanks to glasses simulating various visual disorders such as AMD or glaucoma. This activity aimed not only to educate about the daily challenges of visually impaired people but also to highlight the importance of prevention and regular eye care. Efforts that demonstrate how optical professionals can play a key role in the world of gaming, not only by improving the performance and comfort of players but also by contributing to broader awareness of visual health issues. in the world of e-sport.

Future prospects and development of the optical market in e-sports

Interest in esports continues to grow, and with it, the demand for specialized optical equipment aimed at improving player experience and performance. Detailed above, glasses designed for gamers are already a rapidly growing market. Partnerships between major optical brands and esports teams are clear indicators that the optical industry is recognizing and investing in the potential of esports . These collaborations enable the design of highly specialized products that meet the specific needs of digital athletes, while providing brands with increased visibility among a young, tech-savvy audience.

Research and development in the optical field for e-sports is not limited to protection against blue light. R&D efforts also focus on improving the visual quality and cognitive performance of players. This includes the development of the famous lenses capable of maximizing visual clarity to improve reaction times, essential in competitions where every millisecond counts. Studies on the relationship between vision and cognitive functions are underway to develop products that can not only help you see better but also help you think faster and more efficiently.


Optical innovations in esports could include the integration of even more sophisticated technologies, such as brain interfaces that measure and respond to neural signals to optimize real-time vision according to gaming requirements. Additionally, exploring solutions for specific visual impairments in a gaming context could open new avenues for inclusion and accessibility.
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Optical innovations in e-sport, central to a growing market

The growth potential of this market is therefore immense. Optical equipment manufacturers who invest in research and strategic partnerships today will likely be at the forefront of this evolution, shaping the future of how human vision interacts with digital environments.

In summary, e-sports proves to be a fertile ground for the optical industry , which can play a crucial role in not only improving the visual performance of players, but also promoting the visual health and inclusion. Optical innovations in esports and current strategic partnerships suggest a promising future where optics and gaming come together to deliver safer, more inclusive and more competitive experiences. This intersection of cutting-edge technology and practical needs represents an El Dorado for optical innovators, ready to transform the visual challenges of digital environments into opportunities for growth and development.