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Sport for the eyes: fad or necessity?

Reading time : 3 minutes

Exercise can be beneficial for vision. This is the result of a study by the University of Virginia carried out in 2022. But how does it work? How can sport bring a more visual. Which practices and which sport(s) for the eyes?

Sport for the eyes: a definite benefit

We know that practicing regular sports and/or physical activity, i.e. three to four times a week, is recommended by the World Health Organization to prevent diseases related to to sedentary life. Recently, a study carried out by the Department of Medicine at the University of Virginia in the United States revealed the benefits of sports practice on vision.

In this study, the researchers explain that sport can prevent the onset of diabetic retinopathy , but also glaucoma or even the advance of myopia. Tests carried out have in particular proved that the (regular) practice of physical activity makes it possible to reduce the over-development of blood vessels by 30 to 45%.

A proliferation of blood vessels in the ocular region notably leads to increased risks of glaucoma or AMD .

Any physical activity is good to take

That's the good news. Whatever the practice, the emphasis is on regularity. It is not enough to do a sport for a few weeks but to have regular physical activity to experience the benefits. This therefore applies to all sports but also very energy-intensive activities, such as gardening.

However, certain practices can improve the visual abilities of athletes. This is of course the case of racket or aiming sports. Thus, biathlon or archery practitioners have visual performances that can be quite impressive.

The importance of offering optical equipment for sport

Of course, the optician cannot prescribe the practice of sport to his clients. However, it is worth highlighting the democratization of optical equipment specialized in sports practice. This reality is a considerable asset for the optician, who has every interest in offering a sports corner in his store.

Sport is therefore a truly beneficial practice for the whole body and therefore just as much for the eyes and vision in general. Proper supervision of your practice is essential to ensure safety. This is where the optician plays a major role. Because if the benefits are acquired over the long term, the risks associated with an equipment defect are much greater.