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The Bookshop of Optics: the essential works of the profession

Reading time : 3 minutes


As professionals, you know that proper equipment is essential. And to equip oneself is also to have solid books in one's library. So which books are recognized and related to your activity? Eyes-Road has prepared a small selection. Welcome to the optics library!

Owning an optics bookstore: textbooks for the student … but not only!

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At the radius of the "bibles" to have absolutely, " the Optician Lunetier " Caroline Kovarski is among the most complete.

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Whether for the BTS student or the seasoned optician , it will be an ideal companion to perfect yourself.

In this book, the author 'elude nothing, from the manufacture of frames to the principles of management of a company , through the study of optical systems , the analysis of vision or the maintenance of equipment .

It also offers, through its multiple-choice questions (MCQ) part, the preparation of candidates for Part A (visual perception and optical technology) examinations of the European Council for Optometry and Optics ( ECOO ) European Diploma. )

Of course, it is a sacred pavement (more than 1700 pages) which will be consulted if necessary, but whose content will be most useful to you.
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More focused on a clinical and professional approach , the " Optician's Manual: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology " by Eric Beaubert , Franck Pariguet and Stéphane Taboulot , promotes the exchange between professionals of the optics.

Very well illustrated, this new edition takes into account the evolution of the trade , but also the technical and technological promises concerning a globality of subjects, such as the treatment of ocular pathologies , the appearance of new types of lasers , or innovative implants

Again, this is a very complete book and indispensable in a professional library.

Ebooks: a mine of information at low prices!

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Having a lot of books can be embarrassing, unless you have a large library. Fortunately, the e-book market has exploded, and the optics sector is not immune!

Thanks to self-publishing , many authors have been able to share their knowledge with others, and continue to do so. The blog placedeloptique.fr was able to find some very interesting ones.

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The little extra? They are free and directly downloadable on their site.

Among these you will find Gérard Larnac's " Optician and his client ", which allows to launch a reflection on the changes of the market , in particular marketing terms.

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By the same author, " The Optical Consumer, a moving portrait ", tries to decipher the paradoxes of the market and its targets. And on a purely marketing approach, you can read " the winning strategies of the Optician ."

Finally, if you enjoyed our file on the place of the eye and look in art , do not hesitate to immerse yourself in " The modernist glare, changes of look through contemporary art ", which focuses on the reception of works of art, and the way our eyes, in function of civilizations and societies, see them.

And you, do you have other works to share?