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5 tips for new contact lens wearers

Reading time : 4 minutes


Wearing contact lenses always feeds some fantasies. While this is something unlikely for some, experienced wearers emphasize the comfort and practicality of the equipment. Some customers try to get started, but can be apprehensive, especially because of everything they can hear on the subject.

In a previous article , we also mentioned the objections, the misconceptions, even the urban legends that surrounded the wearing of contact lenses . Either way, here are five essential tips for your customers who decide to take the plunge.

Advise new contact lens wearers

  • 1. Stay relaxed while wearing contact lenses

Sight is the sense that certainly generates the most fear. We tend to fear the eyes much more than the ears or the nose. Contact lenses are high-tech medical devices and great care should be taken when using them.

Many fears accompany new contact lens wearers . What if my eyes itch? Is there a risk that the lens will hide behind my eye? These questions are legitimate. So it seems natural to relax the customer .

Answer their questions with kindness. Do not hesitate to tell him that putting on and taking off his contact lenses is difficult, if not annoying, at first, but that with practice it will become child's play.

Reassure him telling her that lenses don't get lost in the abyss of our body and that with good hygiene, lightly touching their eyes wo n't have any effect .

Quickly show new wearers the common sense to use . At first, you tend not to really see the difference between a lens upside down and a lens upside down.

contact lenses

  • 2. Have an irreproachable hygiene

This is the most important point. It is essential to wash your hands properly and thoroughly before handling your contact lenses. You know this, but your client should always be informed.

Depending on their case, recommend the correct cleaning solution for the type of lenses prescribed.

Hygiene should also put the emphasis on strict cleaning of the lens case , rinsed with the solution and air dried. Recommend a case change every three months or so. Remember, while it may seem obvious, new wearers are discovering a routine they have never experienced before.

contact lens case

  • 3. Anticipate the change of pair and the renewal of the prescription

Your customers will often ask you if they can exceed the recommended wearing time or will tend to order lenses with a prescription that is no longer valid.

Again, take the time to inform them of the rules to follow. Monthly lenses are worn for a month, not a month and a half or two months.

Regarding the validity of the prescription, clearly explain that it varies with age and that customers must imperatively plan , and therefore anticipate an appointment with the ophthalmologist and take into consideration the manufacturing time.

  • 4. Hydrate and protect your eyes

The number one enemy of lentils is drought . You have to shed enough tears to be able to wear them. Advise new contact lens wearers to hydrate well, drinking water regularly. This advice is particularly valid for those who spend a lot of time in front of screens, whether in their professional activity or not.

contact lens fitting

Athletes are often lovers of contact lenses , the practice of a sport requiring absolute comfort. Use great caution in practice, as trauma to the eye can lead to inability to wear lenses.

  • 5. Learn about the products around contact lenses

There are a few products on the market that make it easier to wear contact lenses. Whether to accompany the installation, to help remove them, to store them or to transport them. Feel so not to inform the customer, who will feel more together.

The British brand CvOptics offers accessories to help carriers to set / remove their lenses. On the French side, Vüboks has produced a contact lens dispenser , which can also be used to store your pair of glasses.

daily vuboks distribution

This list of advice is of course not exhaustive, what other advice do you give to your customers who decide to wear contact lenses?