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Manufacture Tours: Promotion of Optical expertise

3 juin 2024
Reading time : 2 minutes

The “Manufacture Tours” is a flagship event in the optics sector , set up by the French Union of Optical Manufacturers (LEOO). This event offers a unique opportunity to discover the exceptional know-how of the French optical industry . Aimed primarily at optics and eyewear professionals, it took place on June 3 throughout France. A […]

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Impact of teleconsultation on opticians: how is their role changing?

20 mai 2024
Reading time : 4 minutes

Teleconsultation is revolutionizing the optical sector, offering innovative solutions to improve access to vision care. Faced with growing demand and the challenges of medical deserts, the impact of teleconsultation on opticians is increasingly notable. How does this transformation impact their daily practice and the services they offer? This is what we will try to decipher. […]

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What role for opticians in the visual health of children?

17 avril 2024
Reading time : 3 minutes

The importance of the role of opticians in the visual health of children is becoming increasingly clear, as demonstrated by recent data from the Visual Health Barometer carried out by OpinionWay for the Asnav. This information offers a new perspective on the engagement of opticians in the prevention and treatment of visual disorders in young […]

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“Origine France Guaranteed” label: explanations

4 mars 2024
Reading time : 5 minutes

In a context marked by the climate emergency, and while the preservation of national jobs remains a primary concern, a controversy is growing between “Made in France” and the “Origine” label France Guarantee". According to an ADEME survey, nearly three quarters of French people now express a preference for eco-responsible products in their consumption choices. […]

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What results for Silmo Paris 2023?

27 octobre 2023
Reading time : 3 minutes

More than 30,000 visitors, half of whom are international. Year after year, Silmo Paris is always full. More than any other, the event is now a must for optical professionals, opticians but also industrialists, who see it as an opportunity to present their new products, their innovations, their ideas for the future. For those who […]

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