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22 avril 2024
Reading time : 5 minutes

  Dans un monde où la mode et la fonctionnalité se croisent de manière toujours plus innovante, l’industrie de la lunetterie n’est pas en reste. Ces dernières années, nous avons assisté à une montée significative des collaborations entre les marques de lunettes et des célébrités issues de divers horizons, qu’ils soient artistes, sportifs ou icônes […]

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Innovation & Icons: Celebrity Collaborations in Eyewear Design

22 avril 2024
Reading time : 5 minutes

In a world where fashion and functionality intersect in ever more innovative ways, the eyewear industry is not left behind. In recent years, we have seen a significant rise in collaborations between eyewear brands and celebrities from diverse backgrounds, whether artists, athletes or fashion icons. These partnerships are no longer just publicity stunts, but also […]

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Innovation & Icons: Celebrity Collaborations in Eyewear Design

22 avril 2024
Reading time : 5 minutes

In a world where fashion and functionality intersect in ever more innovative ways, the eyewear industry is not left behind. In recent years, we have seen a significant rise in collaborations between eyewear brands and celebrities from various backgrounds, whether artists, athletes or fashion icons. These partnerships are no longer just publicity stunts, but also […]

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Innovation & Icons: Celebrity Collaborations in Eyewear Design

22 avril 2024
Reading time : 5 minutes

In a world where fashion and functionality intersect in ever more innovative ways, the eyewear industry is not left behind. In recent years, we have seen a significant rise in collaborations between eyewear brands and celebrities from various backgrounds, whether artists, athletes or fashion icons. These partnerships are no longer just publicity stunts, but also […]

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Innovation & Icons: Celebrity Collaborations in Eyewear Design

22 avril 2024
Reading time : 5 minutes

In a world where fashion and functionality intersect in ever more innovative ways, the eyewear industry is not left behind. In recent years, we have seen a significant rise in collaborations between eyewear brands and celebrities from various backgrounds, whether artists, athletes or fashion icons. These partnerships are no longer just publicity stunts, but also […]

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