Continuing education for opticians: a real boost?
Learning a trade means training during your studies, acquiring experience in the field but also throughout your career. As we now know, participating in training has many advantages. But how do you find the time and the funding? A ready-made solution: continuing education for opticians .
Continuous training of opticians: suppliers aware of the challenges
Owning or working an optical store means constantly questioning yourself. This is the first and essential step to embark on the path of value, professionalism and customer satisfaction.
Numerous studies have shown it: technical knowledge , medical and commercial opticians are fundamental criteria to create value, to stand out from the competition and to gain confidence.
But how do you go about it? Often opticians are not reluctant to train throughout their careers. However, there is an organizational difficulty regarding training. Lack of time, lack of resources …
Fortunately, some suppliers understood this and immediately saw the opportunities to properly train opticians on their products. For this, innovative solutions are implemented.
BBGR-Nikon , for example, offers tailor-made training courses , adaptable according to the various organizational constraints. With its EyeLearn platform, available on smartphones, the supplier offers a fun way to train opticians at their own pace.
There are short knowledge capsules, made up of texts, videos, images … But also games in the form of quizzes, product characteristics, words to help the sale … The great advantage of this application, in addition to the fact that it is free, is that its content is available offline, for optimal use.
Proven continuing training organizations
Organizations specializing in continuing education for opticians exist and offer a multitude of courses for those who wish to enrich their knowledge. This is the case of the institute and center of optometry (ICO), an international organization which adapts its training there too to allow everyone to organize themselves as they see fit (face-to-face, e-learning, virtual class, etc. .)
The ICO offers opticians the opportunity to specialize in various fields, such as contactology , low vision , children's vision, the optimization of visual abilities at work, customer relationship advice, optical legislation but also the creation and manufacture of frames.
A study has shown that opticians engaged in such programs perform much better than others. Continuing education for opticians has another advantage: that of strengthening credibility, self-confidence and expertise to give opticians another dimension in their relationship of trust with consumers.
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So it's a real boost for the whole team. Be careful, however, to choose certified training in order to take full advantage of all the advantages.
Sources: Essentiel de l'Optique, BBGR-Nikon, ICO