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The new optical labels

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The optical market consists of offering customers medical devices, as well as protective equipment (sunglasses, etc.) It therefore appears obvious that it is necessary to link this market to recommendations intended for manufacturers. To avoid asymmetric information , the consumer should also be protected. Several optical labels have therefore appeared on the market. These can guarantee both manufacturers and consumers know-how, continuity of service or even an ethical model.

New optical labels: green, lots of green

The demographic expansion, the waste, the recycling of resources to name a few, push us to think, work, consume differently. The global health crisis of 2020 intensified the problem. To overcome this, we are trying to recycle, improve and make more sustainable.


Many companies, in all sectors, promote what they produce more "green." Optics are no exception. For professionals, manufacturers and resellers , it has become a way to stand out, to work differently and in a more responsible way.

In a previous report , we discussed this ecological transition within the optical market . Today, the new optical labels tend, for the most part, to go in this direction. Support towards this transition had become the norm, we are now moving on to the next step, by rewarding the actors.

Already, we can ask ourselves the following question: what an ecological glasses ? The answer lies in the globality. Because choosing sustainable and ecological materials is just one step among many. An ecological glasses is an ecological approach , from waste management to manufacturing processes including social requirements.

In France, guides get started

In 2019, in Monaco, a new step is taken. A prize, the trophies for ecological glasses, is in fact awarded during the Monaco Optical Trophies . The green procedures are then progressing well. The ecological glasses magazine has already been offering support for opticians who wish to accelerate their transition for some time.


Since then, the Optic for Good label has appeared. This approach, which aims to be completely independent, is the first true ecological name in optics and eyewear . This label aims to bet on transparency in all stages of production of a pair of glasses, but also in the acquisition of the raw materials used, or the well-being of employees.

[ =] For this, the label offers two charters , intended for manufacturers and opticians. In addition to respect for the environment, there are various criteria, from the company's commitment to managing the production of a collection, including ethical principles and the ingenuity of the materials used.

Other well-known players in this fight have decided to strengthen the support of optical professionals. This is the case of Sébastien Bétend , optician near Lyon and founder of Optics. He has now left the reins of the store to Julien Guyon, to engage more with the actors. He provides personalized coaching and expertise in sustainable development and French manufacturing for opticians.

Internationally too, we're getting started

Others have also decided to move forward in this direction. In order to promote a more responsible and clean industry, other labels are emerging. This is the case of the OSI label for Optical Sustainable Industry . The latter, through environmental actions, intends to bring these values to an international level.


To satisfy the label's promotion and inform all optical players, the OSI label has set up a special day, which takes place every October 20th. As in the case of Optic for Good, a charter is expected to inform and raise awareness about past, present and future issues represented by our consumption patterns.

Other labels, always in favor of a committed and responsible model, have rewarded the optical brands . Thus, the Responsible Brand label was created by the Génération Responsable association, founded in 2007 on the initiative of Jocelyne Leporatti and the first Network Sustainable Development Managers.

The goal is to promote, with a view to sustainable development, the improvement of the environmental and social quality of brands and distribution networks . Optic 2000 received this distinction for five years, the last time obtaining the second best rating , all brands combined.

The label, a commitment process

The opportunity to recall that many labels can guarantee know-how, transparency and quality as well. Moreover, the most famous optical label, Essilor's Engaged Optician label, continues to bring satisfaction to professionals and consumers alike.

Thanks to six key steps, this label guarantees consumers a continuity of quality service , as well as high-end technical measuring devices.


The new optical labels are, for the most part, oriented towards a more ecological and responsible direction. Faced with uncertainties related to the future, this appears implacably logical. What we can already highlight is that this desire to move towards a greener industry does not come at the expense of service and transparency.

This is all the more remarkable as it allows free rein for accountability . This also leads de facto to raising awareness among actors and consumers alike .

Sources: opticforgood.fr, glassesecologiques.com , theopticalournal , optics by Sebastien Betend