Glasses & Style: Winter 2022-2023 eyewear trends
Winter is slowly approaching, and, with the mild temperatures of recent weeks, we had somewhat forgotten it. A dreaded period, but which is also synonymous with celebrations and reunions. It’s also a good time to showcase your style. Focus on winter eyewear trends!
The power of colors

While for many, winter is synonymous with cold and gray weather, eyewear makers have colors on their minds! An excellent way to deal with this climate which doesn't make you want to go outside, right? The colors that hit? Pink, green, blue and purple. Soothing or flashy, they give radiance to your face and you will not go unnoticed!
Among the brands to follow, we particularly like La Brique and la Violette , which are inspired by Nature, or Etnia Barcelona , with united and vibrant branches.

The color green is still in the spotlight, in a context where the natural side is taking up more and more space. Of course, apart from the aesthetic side, you will have to rely on frames whose manufacturing processes are durable and transparent. From now on, recycled frames are trendy, whatever the materials: plastics recovered from the oceans, wood, cork and…skateboard boards!
So don't neglect the vibrant colors for this winter, whether harsh or not.
Eyewear trends: the return of material!

Form-wise, geometry is making a resounding return. Gone is the trend for thin, very metallic glasses, we break up the lines and shapes to make a statement, like with colors. A little roundness, but lots of angles. We find the thickness of the material. Sometimes with sobriety, sometimes without.
We welcome with pleasure an asymmetry of frames, curves designed with innovation. Perfect examples: the new frames fromJean-François Rey , Face à Face , or Oko by Oko .

In any case, whether the winter is harsh or not, these associations between bright colors and variable shapes will inevitably lead to more cheerfulness and life on our faces buried under layers!