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Eye and Sport Pathologies: how to advise your clients?

Reading time : 3 minutes


Everyone has their own way of life. Your customers, if they come to you first because they need a suitable correction, are influenced by their activities. Without going into their private life, it can be very interesting to get to know them a little more. This is particularly the case for athletes, for whom special monitoring is often beneficial. Sport can cause a number of eye pathologies . Here are some tips to give.

Eye Pathologies and Sport: beware of incidents!

You should know that eye trauma is not uncommon in sports . It is estimated that they represent approximately 7.5% of global ocular trauma and that, among these, 6% are so called oculo-orbital lesions .

Any ocular pathology occurring after practicing a sport requires consultation with an ophthalmologist . Indeed, significant pathologies can occur in this case. A sudden drop in vision can, for example, be explained by a detachment of the retina . If the client mentions pain as an added bonus, it could also be glaucoma .

[Caption id = "attachment_10705" align = "aligncenter" width = "600 "] sport-combat-boxing Combat sports, such as boxing, can be particularly traumatic. @Pixabay [/ caption]

But eye afflictions in athletes are more the result of blows received or the injection of foreign bodies. Warning ! Here again, the client should be questioned and referred to a doctor if necessary, to be sure that a red eye , for example, is not the result of conjunctivitis or keratitis .

The essential: good equipment

Once traumatic cases have been ruled out, the sports client should be fully advised. The latter, usually, does not hesitate to choose what is best for his sports equipment.

[Caption id = "attachment_10706" align = "aligncenter" width = "600 "] Sport-bike-eye In all weathers, endurance sports require eye protection. @Pixabay [/ caption]

Don't forget to remind him that he must have the same requirements for his eyes !

Regarding endurance sports, you should know that beyond 10 km / h, a speed very quickly reached, our eyes can tend to cry. Also remember to take into consideration the impact of the climate on this point.

Sun, rain, wind, dust, insects will force athletes to wear suitable devices . For all endurance or speed sports, recommend the choice of profiled frames , perfectly adaptable to the morphology. This provides effective comfort and protection.

[Caption id = "attachment_10707" align = "aligncenter" width = "600"] sport-photochromic-lenses For any type of sport, offer photochromic lenses, which adapt to the brightness. Comfort assured! @Pixabay [/ caption]

Advanced technology glasses

Highlight the lightweight models with anti-slip system . Regarding lenses, frames with photochromic devices are currently the most effective on the market, since they adapt to ambient light . Extra comfort for any athlete, who will no longer need to constantly remove or replace his pair.

In all cases, even for those who practice swimming, recommend glasses polarizing . In addition to UV protection , they offer better performance for colors, contrasts and eliminate reflections. Visual fatigue is therefore greatly reduced, which is of paramount importance for an athlete.

[Caption id = "attachment_10708" align = "aligncenter" width = "600"] Sport-swimming-eye Anti-fog lens technologies are particularly effective! @Pixabay [/ caption]

To protect yourself from fogging, finally remember to mention the different variations of lenses intended to eliminate it. There are hydrophobic or ventilated lenses , whether frontal or adjustable.

All these recommendations will raise awareness, and therefore reduce the risk of eye pathologies associated with the practice of sport .

And you, what advice would you like to add?

Sources: brunocurtil.fr , aucoeurdelavision.com , lamedecinedusport.com,